Diseño y Organización Curricular

GENERAL PERIOD - Fundamentals of the Real - Estate businesses

Introduction to Real Estate Businesses

Real Estate businesses: concept, scope, products and historical evolution. Real Estate development: stages, agents and their roles, risk and success factors. Real- Estate projects: technical, economical and financial feasibility. Introductory elements and concepts.

Lecture Hours: 14 hs.

Real Estate Economy

Relevant indicators for real estate. Monetary politics. Economic and Real Estate bubbles cycle. Tendencies. Macroeconomic: Offer, Demand and Prices. Economy of Scale and scope. Private and public goods. Externalities.

Lecture Hours: 10 hs.

Specific Training period of the Real Estate Business

Management, Organization and Economic and Financial Analysis of the Real - Estate Businesses

The role of information in the construction and real estate company. Basic accounting concepts. The financial statements and analysis. Financial - Economic - Accounting Analysis. Integrated management control.

Lecture Hours: 26 hs.

The organization of the company through the use of technological resources

Information systems: basics and tools. Information systems for Real Estates. Information georeferenced. Tools for analyzing data.

Lecture Hours: 10 hs.

Legal and Notarial aspects of Real Estate business

Basic legal aspects. Contracts and legal formats for implementing and structuring the real estate business. The construction and its contractual modalities. Urbanization: types, laws and reglementations.

Lecture Hours: 30 hs.

Taxation on business and Real Estate business

Basic principles of taxation in Argentina. The federal system, taxes and the construction activity and real estate. Informational regimes and prevention of money laundering. Labor law, Social security and its contingencies.

Lecture Hours: 20 hs.

Financial aspects of the Real Estate businesses

Basics of financial mathematics. Financial principles and criteria applicable to the analysis of real estate development projects. Alternative methods of evaluation of projects. Sensitivity analysis.

Lecture Hours: 20 hs.

Project, execution and control of real estate products

Minimum contents: Territorial arrangement planning. Real estate product. Design, trends. Construction management, procurement systems, safety rules and operational monitoring.

Lecture Hours: 30 hs.

Financing of Real Estate Projects

Financial modalities of real estate projects. Offer study. Fiduciary structures and financing cost.

Lecture Hours: 10 hs.

Marketing applied to Real Estate projects

Basics of marketing. The market and its segments. Product: Types, mix and line. Price, fixation modalities. Market study. SWOT analysis. Positioning. Marketing Plan.

Lecture Hours: 30 hs.

Marketing and Negotiating of Real Estate contracts

Marketing and real estate brokerage. Business on the Internet: portals and the role of social networks. Trade promotion channels. The real estate transaction and its costs.

Lecture Hours: 20 hs.

Seminar Series and Panel entrepreneurs

Seminario sobre temáticas específicas

Seminar on specific topics: provides for the participation of developers and other players in the real estate market that will share their experience in the field.

Integration Seminar

Integration Seminar: aims at articulating the most relevant knowledge from the different subjects included in the Digeni.

Estudiantes de Económicas beneficiarios de Becas ISIC - Banco Galicia

El pasado viernes 20 de octubre se realizó en la Facultad de Cs. Económicas, las entrevistas correspondientes a la convocatoria de Becas "ISIC - Banco Galicia. Estudiantes de Grado 2017-2018", de la cual resultaron beneficiarios Célica Bianchi, Emilio Allende y Camila Aldazabal con la oportunidad de realizar un intercambio en las afueras de Paris en la Université Paris Est-Creteil. 

Estudiante Pasante de Económicas con experiencia internacional

Matias Melo fue un estudiante pasante durante 18 meses en la empresa Elebar de la ciudad de Tandil. Luego realizó una experiencia internacional, la cual aún sigue transitando.

Durante el año 2016 estuvo viajando por 6 meses desde Tucumán hasta Quito, teniendo su primera experiencia de viaje internacional. Luego volvió a Pinamar - Argentina, para trabajar en la temporada y así poder ahorrar para su próximo viaje que tuvo como primer destino las Cataratas del Iguazú.

Beneficiarios Becas Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018

En el marco de la Convocatoria “Becas Iberoamérica. Santander Universidades. Estudiantes de grado 2017-2018" fueron seleccionados como beneficiarios dos destacados estudiantes de Económicas. ¡¡Felicitamos a Manuela Nardin y Maximiliano López Salgado beneficiarios de la Beca Iberoamericana Santander Universidades 2017-2018!!